Be a Part of Our Journey

Ways to Support Stanly Adult Care Center, Inc.

Would you consider making a gift that keeps on giving? We need your help to allow our friends, family and community members the opportunity to age in place, at home, while using the resources we have available. Your gift will make a long-term impact on the lives of those we will serve.

Payment options available are cash/check, credit card, bank draft, or with stock. Payment plans are available and can be customized to meet your individual needs. For assistance in deciding what option is best for you please call 704-984-0331 and we will be glad to assist you.

Opportunities to Help

Increase Awareness

We love to share about our organization and the services we are bringing to Stanly County and neighboring counties, and we welcome the opportunity to share our venture with new people. If you would like to learn more about our organization or schedule a presentation for your friends, organization, or church leadership please call 704-984-0331 or click the button below.

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Volunteers are an essential part of our community, and we have many opportunities available to get involved. For more information, please visit the volunteer tab to learn more about the opportunities available and to complete the volunteer application.

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There are many ways to invest in this great cause.  Donations may be made to assist in the renovation of our facility, make a pledge to the capital campaign, give toward the daily operations or to support the endowment fund to assist with participants facing financial hardships. Contributions may also be made in memory or honor of a loved one as a tribute.

You may make a pledge to be paid over the course of 3 years or make an immediate donation by clicking the buttons below. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you looking for a way to promote your business and help a great cause? Please consider sponsoring our annual Fashion Show Charity Event featuring local boutiques. Every year, we have several local businesses to sponsor our show or who choose to be a participant. If you are interested in being part of this event, please reach out to see how you can get involved.

Join us for this year’s event scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2024!